In order to install pro version of the plugin, simply follow these steps: delete your free version > install the zip file | Plugins > add new > upload plugin > clean your cache files |ctrl+f5|.
Don’t be afraid of deleting free version, because you will NOT lose your created portfolios.
If you made purchase and didn’t get the file, or file was corrupt, contact us by [email protected] and send “order numberâ€, we will check and send you the file as soon as possible
This can happen because of your browser’s cache files. Press ctrl+f5 (Chrome, FF) in order to clean them, if you use safari, etc., clean from browser settings
After installation of pro version, in General Options all your changes will be saved! If you still see “free version” notification after installation of pro version 1) try to clean your cache files if this will not help 2) delete, and install the plugin again
If you use multi site (have number of sites) when you install a plugin in main site, it will not work on other sites. In order it could work there too, you should. 1) deactivate the plugin from main site 2) go to the other sites and activate it there one by one 3) after all will be activated, go back to your main site and activate it
All kind of changes made in free version will remain, even if you delete the plugin
In order to add name to your image and see it in lightbox. Add attribute title=â€X†in tag of image code, where X is the name, Set “show the title†from Lightbox Options
If you have any pro version of our products and want to upgrade it, you do not need to buy the new one again, you only need to pay the difference price. Contact [email protected] and we will charge you the difference price.
Pro users can get update versions contacting us by [email protected]. Free version users will find update notification in their wordpress admin panel.