Levine signed up 5 Star Diamond Award Recipient, Michelin Star Awarded and StarChefs.com's "Rising Chef" Recipient, Chef Joe Isidori, a third generation chef and a pioneer in sustainable seafood to helm the kitchen. Chef Isidori describes "the menu at Chalk Point Kitchen will be a creative mix of local, sustainable and organic ingredients with exciting flavors. Think Chinatown meets Union Square Green Market."


Bemelmans Bar

Situated in the heart of SoHo, at 527 Broome Street (between Thompson and Sullivan) Chalk Point Kitchen is a 70 seat "market to table" owned by Lower East Side restaurateur, Matt Levine and his indieFORK team.

Levine signed up 5 Star Diamond Award Recipient, Michelin Star Awarded and StarChefs.com's "Rising Chef" Recipient, Chef Joe Isidori, a third generation chef and a pioneer in sustainable seafood to helm the kitchen. Chef Isidori describes "the menu at Chalk Point Kitchen will be a creative mix of local, sustainable and organic ingredients with exciting flavors. Think Chinatown meets Union Square Green Market."

Contact To Seller

Contact Seller

    • Address
    • 35 East 76th St, New York City, NY 10021
    • Hours
    • 5:30 pm - 11:00 pm
    • Phone
    • 212-744-1600
    • Email
    • Website
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