Velvet Lyre Chesterfield Armchair, Wilcox

Price : $1,598.00

Modeled after its 18th-century forbearer, our button-tufted sofa remains steadfast to the original with handsome nailhead trim and rolled English arms. Its oversized shape and richly-hued upholstery transcend the bounds of time, making it a perfect match for contemporary spaces.

  • Luxe, button-tufted cotton velvet upholstery
  • Removable down, feather, polyfiber cushion
  • Spring suspension seat construction for comfort and durability
  • Kiln-dried oak wood frame
  • Removable caster legs; Wilcox natural finish
  • Professionally clean
  • Trinidad finish
  • Handmade in USA
  • Oversized shipping charge of $75
  • Select colors are made to order. The available by date shown above indicates the estimated ship date
  • Seat: 18H
  • Back 18H
  • 8.25 under chair clearance
  • Style No. 32491839

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