Click on “Add new video album†and start creating
There are two ways to add video
Add Video From Url (YouTube/Vimeo or Custom Video).Insert the link
Add title to video
Video url will automatically be added. You can change the link and replace the current video with another one
Upload Video. Upload video file from your computer
Press on small pencil to upload thumbnail image to your video
Add title to video file
You may change the path of the video link, or press on pencil to replace the video with another one from your media library
On the right side of admin page you can find:
Here you can make changes on player title
Choose to display as single videos or in album
Choose where to place video player
On will automatically play the video
Set width size for video player
To insert Video Gallery plugin into your page/post or theme, simply copy/past the right shortcode in certain place. [huge_it_video_player id="..."]
for page/post
For template
In post/page you can also find special “Add Video Player†button, which will add shotrcode automatically.
From this section you can make all kind of design customization on Video Player. General Options are available for users with premium license.
Choose some color for your player background area
Select a number, and you will have border on player, bigger number – thicker border
Choose color for player border line
You can place the player on the center/right/left within theme container
Give margin on top of the player
Give marin to the bottom of the player
Give margin on the right side of the player
Give margin on the left side of the player
Decide the color for video progress bar
Decide buffering color on progress bar
Decide the color of sliding speck on progress bar
Decide the color of already played part of progress bar
Set color on control panel of the player
Select color for buttons on control panel
Choose other color of button while hover a mouse on it
Change the color of current time text
Change the color of duration time text
Change color for playlist background in album mode
Change the color of text in playlist
You can choose another color for playlist while hover a mouse on it
Choose another color of playlist text, while hover a mouse on it
Choose the color for active video background on playlist
Choose color of active video name on playlist
Pick up a color for title of playlist
Change the color of playlist scroll bar
Pick up a color for scroll bar moving thumb
Pick up a color for scroll bar moving thumb while hover a mouse on it
Choose color for youtube play track, white or red
Decide a theme for youtube player, dark or light
When “off’ will hide annotation popup on video while watching
If “on†the player will show display and video playback controls during video whole duration
This hides fullscreen ability
When “off†title of the video, like/dislike, share buttons all will be hide
Choose color for play button and duration line on Vimeo player
When “off†will hide video information