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Lincoln Square Steak

Price : $50 and over

Within walking distance from Lincoln Center, Lincoln Square Movie Theatre, and located in the heart of Manhattan�s Upper West Side, Lincoln Square Steak, a classic steakhouse designed with a nostalgic decor that is reflective of the 1960s era, offers steaks that are dry aged to perfection, succulent seafood dishes and an extensive global wine list that features 30 bottles for under $30. At 7:00pm every evening, a talented pianist will provide live music and entertainment for guests. The 140 seat dining room, as well as four private dining rooms and a stunning bar, makes Lincoln Square Steak the perfect place to dine as well as to host parties of all sizes.

New York City finally has an Upper West Side Steakhouse to call its own.


Contact Seller

    • Address :
    • 208 W. 70th Street New York City 10023
    • Hours :
    • 5:00 pm - 10:30 pm
    • Phone :
    • 212-875-8600
    • Email :
    • Website :
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