Create responsive wordpress slider in minutes. Bring awesome image slider, showcase post sliders for your WordPress website, display images and photos in beautiful sliders. Responsive Slider is the best solution you may come across with.
WordPress Responsive Slider carries its name. Developers are bringing a new level in terms of mobility of this plugin. It is fully responsive wordpress plugin and mobile friendly. Overall layout both in back and front ends meet the modern core requirements of WordPress and interacts with users in the best ways possible. This is a great mobile friendly plugin.
Besides the pure code of this plugin, design team at Huge-IT created smart back-end interface with wordpress page builder plugin elements. This allows navigating in the back end more easily, which leaves a lot of time for creativity.
Responsive Slider helps to navigate between slides in seconds using swipe navigation method, that is available both on mobile and desktop. Smooth finger navigation, helps not only change the slides, but use the custom navigation buttons included in the plugin, in order to meet the required parameters of your wordpress slider.
Plugin allows showcasing slides in stunning transition effects using the library of animations. Don’t forget to set effect duration and select the auto play. After that use the preview button in order to check customization, before saving the slides on your wordpress website
Responsive Slider includes 2 type of shortcodes, allowing to showcase slides in any WordPress post and page as well as set the slideshow into your template.
Set all data of your post as text layers over the slides. This includes content, title, author, date, number of comments and etc.
We do the utmost to provide a good customer service. Our support team members send replies and solve problems in 24 hours. We work 6 days a week, support live chat, are active on wordpress forums, Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus social networks. We constantly update user manuals and FAQ page.
Responsive Slider allows to create multiple slides in minutes. Create beautiful slides using text layers, titles, buttons, bullets and transaction effects. Add multiple images with smart media library and bring slides with two types of shortcodes anywhere on your WordPress website.
Responsive Slider has been tested with core WordPress plugins and themes, works smoothly on mobile, is user-friendly and has creative design in back-end. Create unlimited slides. Add CSS changes to every bit of the plugin on front-end or use the custom options in professional version of Responsive Slider.
Responsive Slider supports seven transition effects, auto-play, slider layers and supports HTML in description. Preview your creations before publishing them.
Professional version of Responsive Slider brings more options for creativity. Use custom options to play around bullets, navigation buttons and arrows and customize the colors and styles. Developers are about to add more in the upcoming versions of the Responsive Slider.